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[HL401] Vital 1000

[HL401] Vital 1000

Regular price $100.00 USD
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Vital 1000 Probiotics HL 401

You can feel the effect by taking one tablet a day.

60 billion live bacteria in 1 capsule!

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▶ Characteristics: Survival to the large intestine by maintaining vitality with special nutrients that block ultraviolet rays and moisture with aluminum packaging (60 capsules/1 bottle)

▶ Ingredients: 20 kinds of premium lactic acid bacteria, including Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium animalis lactis, Streptococcus Theromophilus, etc.

Vital 1000 Probiotics HL 401
Promotes beneficial bacteria / eliminates harmful bacteria, a revolution in the digestive system!
Healthy 100 years old with live lactobacillus a day!

Vital 1000 Lactobacillus Health Method

Modern chronic diseases are at risk of sterilization of good bacteria in the intestines due to weakened immunity due to environmental pollution, antibiotics, and chemicals.

Eventually, lost health is restored with good beneficial bacteria. In other words, when the inside is healthy, the health of the whole body returns.

▶ Efficacy

– Intestinal health (enteritis, elimination of toxins, irritable bowel syndrome)

– Improvement of diarrhea and constipation

– Skin improvement, anti-aging, suppression of active oxygen generation

– Immunity improvement, cold prevention

– Prevention and treatment of blood circulation, cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, etc.

1일 1개 복용으로 효능을 느낍니다.

1캡슐에 600억마리의 생균!

 특성: 알루미늄포장으로 자외선, 습기차단 특수영양소에 의해 생명력 유지하여 대장까지 생존(60캡슐/1병)


 성분: Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium animalis lactis, Streptococcus Theromophilus, 등 20여종의 프리미엄 유산균


Vital 1000 Probiotics HL 401
유익균증대 / 유해균제거, 소화기계의 혁명!
하루 한알 살아있는 유산균으로 건강100세 !

바이탈1000 유산균 건강법

현대 만성질환은 환경오염, 항생제, 화학약품으로 인한 면역력 약화등으로 장내의 좋은 유익균 멸균 위기에 있습니다.

결국 잃어가는 건강을 좋은 유익균으로 다시 회복됩니다. 즉 내부가 건강해야 온몸의 건강이 돌아온다는 것입니다.


 장건강 (장염, 독소 제거, 과민성대장 증후군)

 설사, 변비 개선

 피부개선, 노화방지, 활성산소 생성 억제

 면역력 향상, 감기예방

 혈액순환, 콜레스테롤, 동맥경화, 고혈압  예방  치료

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