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[HL703] Fat Burn CisusBuk

[HL703] Fat Burn CisusBuk

Regular price $120.00 USD
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Fat Burn CisusBuk

Decomposition of body fat / diet, excretion, suppression of accumulation, elimination of causes of all diseases

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▶ Directions: 2 after breakfast, 2 after dinner, 4 per day (※Dose adjusted according to symptoms, 120 capsules/1 bottle)

▶ Efficacy of Cissus

(1) Diet

Inhibit pancreatic rapase activity – reduce body fat by inhibiting fat synthesis and accumulation
Containing Leptin : Containing appetite control hormone that reduces food intake and suppresses fat accumulation
Adipponectic: Excellent for lipolysis
Helps prevent overeating by promoting secretion of quercetin & isoramnetin
(2) Stomach, liver: Helps protect gastric mucosa by inhibiting gastric acid secretion, suppress gastric acid secretion, esophagitis, gastric ulcer, and acid reflux

(3) Diabetes prevention (rat experiment): Normalization of blood sugar level, activation of insulin secretion, reduction of risk of fatty liver

(4) Bone health: Ketosterone heals bones, stimulates osteoblasts, reduces pain and increases calcium in injured and damaged bones.

(5) Pain, inflammation reduction: Vitamin C, helps reduce inflammation, similar to asprin, hemorrhoids

(6) Menstrual pain relief

(7) Creation of serotonin (happiness hormone), control of mental anxiety during menopause

▶ Ingredients Sea Buckthorn, Cissus, Beet Root, Plum, Cranberry, Ginger, etc.

CisusBuk HL 703
Body fat decomposition, excretion, inhibition of accumulation, elimination of causes of all diseases
Immunity ← Health ← Stamina ← CisusBuk

▶ What is Cissus?

Cissus refers to a climbing plant belonging to the vine family, which is concentrated in the south and east of Africa and Arabian India. The official name of Cissa is ‘Cissus Quadrangularis Linn’. It has been used as a medicinal plant and has been proven to inhibit fat absorption and fat accumulation, and is used as a weight management medicine.

▶ Diet weight loss clinical case (included in alternative medicine special) (taken for 4 weeks)

4 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks

4.4 kg off 7.4 kg off
11.8 kg reduction


3.7 kg 6.2 kg

60 kg 2.8 kg 4.3 kg

※ Important information – Meal size: Breakfast: ½, Lunch: Quantity, Dinner: ½, Exercise: 30 minutes~

▶ What is Sea Buckthorn?

It refers to a deciduous shrub or tree belonging to the lindenaceae family. It is called a vitamin tree because its leaves and seeds are rich in vitamin A.C.E. Sea buckthorn is native to North Asia and Europe and distributed in Tibet and China, and in ancient Tibet and China, the fruit has been used as a medicine. In addition, it contains more than 190 kinds of nutrients such as antioxidants and amino acids, and has 200 times more vitamins than apples and 5 times more saponins than ginseng.

▶ Sea Buckthorn Efficacy

(1) Strengthen immunity by increasing the function of metabolism

(2) Improve blood lipid

– Reduce risk factors of heart and cardiovascular disease

– Eliminates blood clots and enhances blood circulation

– Normalize cholesterol levels

(3) Dyspnea, sputum cough, dry cough

(4) Chest tightness, indigestion, lowering heat and quenching thirst

(5) Diabetes control function: Contains palmitoleic acid to help with diabetes by lowering insulin resistance and blood sugar

(6) Acid reflux/gastric ulcer: The oil of berry and seed extract has healing properties on the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach, intestines and the whole body.

(7) Obesity weight control: smooth metabolism, help prevent obesity and lose weight. Appetite control, fat removal/disassembly/accumulation inhibition

(8) Skin regeneration / atopy / psoriasis: Promotes healing of acne, atopy and psoriasis, burns, dermatitis, eczema and skin wounds

(9) Eye health/cataract/anti-aging: prevention of night blindness and dry eye, prevention of cataract aging

▶ Sea Buckthorn Ingredients

① Vitamin C 640.8mg% or more (mandarins and oranges 40mg%) ② B-carotene 3~4mg%

③ Vitamin E 10~15mg% ④ Vitamin B1 0.2~0.4mg% ⑤ Vitamin B2 0.4~0.5mg% ⑥ Folic acid 0.5~0.8mg%

⑦ Cryptoxanthin ⑧ Zeaxanthin ⑨ Lycopene ⑩ Sitosterol ⑪ Isoramnetin ⑫ Hemin

▶ Features

It is the best highly concentrated natural vitamin product containing more than 190 kinds of highly concentrated nutrients such as vitamins and amino acids. In addition, it maintains healthy physical strength by decomposing/excreting/suppressing the accumulation of fat in the body, which is the root of all diseases.

체지방 / 다이어트 분해, 배설, 축적억제, 만병 원인 해소

▶ 용법: 아침식후 2개, 저녁식후 2개,  1일 4개  (※증상에 따라 복용량 조절, 120캡슐/1병)

▶ 시서스의 효능

(1)  다이어트

  • 췌장 라파아제 활성을 억제 – 지방의 합성과 축적을 억제시켜 체지방을 감소
  • 랩틴 함유 : 음식섭취량 감소, 지방축적을 억제하는 식욕조절 호르몬 함유
  • 아딕포넥틱 : 지방분해 탁월
  • 퀘르세틴 & 이소람네틴의 분비를 촉진해 폭식을 예방하는데 도움

(2)  위장, 간장 : 위산분비 억제하여 위점막 보호, 위산분비억제, 식도염, 위궤양, 위산역류억제에 도움

(3)  당뇨예방 (쥐실험) : 혈당수치 정상화, 인슐린 분비활성화, 지방간 위험 감소

(4)  뼈건강 : 케토스테론은 뼈치유, 골아세포 자극, 통증을 줄이고 부상.손상된 뼈속 칼슘증가

(5)  통증, 염증 감소 : 비타민 C, 염증감소에 도움, 아스프린과 유사, 치질

(6)  생리통 완화

(7)  세로토닌 (행복호르몬) 생성, 폐경기 심적불안 조절

▶ 성분 Sea Buckthorn, Cissus, Beet Root, Plum, Cranberry, Ginger, etc.

CisusBuk HL 703
체지방 분해, 배설, 축적억제, 만병의 원인 해소
면역 ← 건강 ← 체력 ← CisusBuk

▶ 시서스 (Cissus) 란?

시서스는 아프리카의 남, 동부와 아라비아 인도를 집중으로 서식하는 포도과에 속하는 덩굴식물을 말한다. 시서의 공식명칭은 ‘시서스 쿼드랑굴라리스(Cissus Quadrangularis Linn)’이다.   약용식물로 쓰였으며 지방흡수와 지방축적 억제효능이 입증되어 체중관리 약의 용도로 쓰이고 있다.

▶ 다이어트 체중감량 임상사례 (대체의학특집 수록)                      (4주복용)

4주 8주 12주

94 kg

4.4 kg 감소 7.4 kg 감소

11.8 kg 감소

78 kg

3.7 kg 6.2 kg

9.8 kg

60 kg 2.8 kg 4.3 kg

7.2 kg

  중요사항 – 식사량 : 아침식사 : ½ ,   점심식사 : 정량,    저녁식사 : ½,     운동 : 30분~

▶ Sea Buckthorn란?

보리수나무과에 속하는 낙엽관목 또는 교목인 산자나무를 말하는데, 그잎과 종자에 비타민 A.C.E가 풍부해 비타민 나무로 불린다. 산자나무는 북아시아와 유럽이 원산지이고 티벳이나 중국에 분포하며, 고대 티벳과 중국에서는 열매를 약재로 사용해 왔다. 또한 항산화 물질 및 아미노산 등 190종류 이상의 영양소를 함유하고 있으며 비타민이 사과의 200배, 사포닌은 인삼의 5배에 이른다.

▶ Sea Buckthorn 효능

(1) 신진대사의 기능을 높여 면역강화

(2) 혈중지질을 개선

 심장 및 심혈관질환의 위험인자를 감소

 어혈을 없애고, 혈액순환을 강화

 콜레스테롤 수치 정상화

(3) 호흡곤란, 가래썩인 기침, 건기침

(4) 가슴답답, 소화불량, 열을 내리고 갈증을 없앰

(5)  당뇨조절기능: 팔미톨레산을 함유되어 인슐린 저항성과 혈당을 낮추어 당뇨에 도움

(6)  위산역류/위궤양 : 베리와 씨앗추출물의 오일은 식도, 위, 내장및 몸전체의 점막에 치유력

(7)  비만 체중조절 : 신지대사를 원활하게 하며 비만예방 및 체중 감량에 도움.   식욕조절, 지방질 제거/분해/축적억제

(8) 피부재생/아토피/건선 : 여드름, 아토피및 건선, 화상, 피부염, 습진 및 피부상처의 치유를 촉진

(9) 눈건강/백내장/노화방지 : 야맹증과 안구건조증을 예방, 백내장의 노화를 예방

▶ Sea Buckthorn성분

① 비타민C 640.8mg%이상 (귤과 오렌지는 40mg%)   ② B-카로틴 3~4mg%

③ 비타민E 10~15mg%  ④ 비타민 B1 0.2~0.4mg%  ⑤ 비타민 B2 0.4~0.5mg%  ⑥ 엽산 0.5~0.8mg%

⑦ Cryptoxanthin  ⑧ Zeaxanthin  ⑨ Lycopene  ⑩ Sitosterol  ⑪ Isoramnetin  ⑫ Hemin


비타민, 아미노산등 190여종 이상의 고농축 영양소를 함유한 최상의 고농축 내츄럴 비타민 제품입니다.   또한 만병의 근원인 체내의 지방을 분해/배설/축적억제시켜 건강한 체력을 유지합니다.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Sarah Shin


John Kim

Awesome supplement. I got this for my mother in law. She saw a difference in her digestion. Highly recommend.